List of underwater dangers – learn about the biggest diving risks

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List of underwater dangers – learn about the biggest diving risks

Diving is a really solid dose of positive adrenaline, although – like any extreme sport – it can also involve certain dangers. What dangers lurk in the depths? We check!

Cooling down

Due to the prevailing conditions, the best time to dive in Poland is from autumn to spring – because then the visibility under the surface increases. However, as you can easily see, this falls during an unusually cold time of the year. During this period the water temperature ranges from a dozen to even a few degrees! Therefore, not only longer, but also shorter stays under the surface of the water require adequate thermal insulation. For this purpose, for example, a thick neoprene foam or dry suit will work well. However, even the best protection in the form of this type of clothing will not give us 100% protection against hypothermia, so you need to be on guard at all times.

Lack of air – excess CO2, oxygen deficiency

One of the most obvious and at the same time greatest dangers that await divers underwater is lack of air. Depending on factors such as the degree of preparation or psychophysical condition, a person is usually able to last underwater without breathing from a few tens of seconds to a few minutes. Without proper preparation, therefore, we have nothing to look for in diving.

It is definitely worth stopping for a moment at this point – if we realistically think about staying underwater for a long time, it is necessary to have safeguards and regular exercises to increase our capacity. Only then will we be ready to proceed with the dive.

Moving away from your partner or group

Let’s face it – diving on your own is not the best idea, and not just because time passes more pleasantly in company. Taking this sport should be done with a partner or even a whole group of people primarily for the sake of your own safety. Since visibility in Polish waters is often severely limited, it is easy to get distant and, as a result, lose contact with the other participants in the dive. 

Any extreme sport practiced solo involves a gigantic risk, so if we do not find our group after a minute, we should start ascending. Otherwise, we seriously risk our health and even our lives.

Underwater creatures and plants

Of course, not all water dwellers are dangerous, but there will certainly be some that are better avoided by a wide margin. It happens that even inconspicuous animals and plants of the deep can prove dangerous. The most important rule, therefore, is – if possible – to avoid unknown creatures. Underwater life is so rich and varied that sometimes it is better to admire its beauty from a safe distance.

Damage to diving equipment

Without the right equipment, diving in any form would not be possible, in view of which it is necessary to watch the instruments like an eye in the head during all the time spent under the surface of the water. Damage to, or worse, loss of any part of the equipment is a risk to life that can be safely avoided. However, a good diver should be prepared for any circumstance — equipment must far exceed the minimum. Then we will be able to indulge in our favorite activity with peace of mind.

main photo: Owens

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