Home gym? Check what you need

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Home gym? Check what you need

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Working out at the gym is one of the best ways to achieve your goals. Lose weight? Strengthen your muscles? Whatever your goals and plans, with a well-equipped home gym you can achieve anything. Here are some simple tips to make setting up a real home gym possible.

Dumbbells and kettlebells

Every professional gym has in its equipment dumbbells and kettlebells. It is worth taking care of these elements also when training at home. How to choose the right dumbbells? In order to do that, you should think about your needs and possibilities. Beginners should decide on smaller weights and raise the bar as they progress. In the beginning, a weight of 3-5 kg will be appropriate. Before choosing a weight, it is a good idea to do a test. Take a dumbbell in your hand and then perform 15 repetitions. If the weight proves to be too heavy or too light, try other options available. When it comes to choosing a weight, the purpose of the exercise and, of course, the muscle group being trained are also important. If it’s important to increase muscle strength, go for a heavier weight but fewer repetitions. For endurance training, a lower weight with more repetitions will work well.

Kettlebell is another essential element of a well equipped home gym. When choosing the right one, you should pay attention to the handle. Kettlebell exercises should be comfortable. The grip must be the right thickness and size, which should be adjusted to the size of your hands. So, before buying one, it is advisable to grab a kettlebell and check if the size of the handle is suitable. When it comes to the weight, it all depends on your level of expertise. Beginners should opt for 8kg for women and from 16kg for men

Barbells in your home gym

In any decent gym there is also a barbell available. Each consists of 3 elements:

  • Grip – the bar by which you should grab the barbell during exercises.
  • Clamps – thanks to them you can secure the weights from slipping during the workout.
  • Weights – the most common are steel discs.

Choosing the right barbell depends on several factors. The broken barbell is the right choice for people who care most about shaping their biceps. This type of barbell relieves the wrists of the person exercising. The straight bar bell is a good choice if you prefer deadlifts, chest presses or tosses.

Exercise treadmill

If you have more space, it is a good idea to include a good quality treadmill in your home gym. One of the best options will be an electric treadmill, which allows you to adjust the pace of running or walking to the needs of the person exercising. An electric treadmill also has a number of useful features that allow you to monitor your workout and progress. We are talking about functions such as distance, training time, incline angle and pulse measurement. The treadmill is a device thanks to which you can take care of your good shape regardless of the season and conditions outside. It is a good equipment for both beginners and advanced people. When choosing a treadmill for a home gym, it is worth paying attention to the systems ensuring proper cushioning, thanks to which your joints are protected against overloading

Ventilation in the home gym and mirrors

It is worth remembering that open windows mean insufficient ventilation in a home gym. To ensure comfort during workouts, install ventilation grilles, so that access to fresh air will not be a problem. If the home gym is also to be used during the summer months, an air conditioner will prove to be a good solution. Thanks to it, regardless of the season, exercises in the gym will take place in friendly conditions

Only well-executed training will bring the expected results. It is worth placing a few large mirrors in your home gym, so that you can control your posture during exercises. Thanks to this, it will be possible to perform them correctly and the training will bring the expected results, which is confirmed by a personal trainer, a specialist in exercises.

Main photo: material from the client

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