Do you run an extreme sports store? See how Orlando SEO and Cleveland SEO agency can help you with SEO

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Do you run an extreme sports store? See how Orlando SEO and Cleveland SEO agency can help you with SEO

In today’s world based on e-commerce, it is very important to have the best possible visibility on the Internet. Only in this way can you to some extent establish an equal fight with the largest representatives of the selected industry. In the case of clothing or other products that are very popular, it is very difficult, because the effects of positioning depend primarily on the size of competition for the selected key phrase and other factors, such as the choice of site engine. Fortunately, however, in the case of articles related to extreme sports, it is somewhat easier. This is a niche that is worth exploiting. Cleveland SEO agency and Orlando SEO are happy to help you with SEO by offering a variety of options, perhaps SEO for Magento is what your business needs.

What is positioning about? General rules and assumptions

SEO for magento is a process aimed at improving the position of a selected website created based on CMS magento, in Google search engine. As a rule websites and online stores without history in this search engine land at the bottom of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Positioning should completely reverse this state of affairs and make the website, after a few months, even be at the top of the search results (for less popular key phrases). The effect? Much greater interest in the site, a greater number of hits, and thus also a greater number of purchases and revenues.

Reports from Orlando SEO agency show that Google’s algorithm calculates the position of a given website on the basis of data collected by indexing robots that constantly search the Internet for new pages. The algorithm takes into account several hundred parameters of each website and only after analyzing them, it determines the final position of your extreme sports store in comparison to others. What is important, the way the algorithm is calculated is kept secret, that’s why it is so important that the interactive agency undertaking positioning has proper experience in it.

What are the stages of positioning?

SEO for Magento starts with a detailed SEO audit, which is supposed to answer the question of how much work awaits a given agency within the framework of cooperation. According to the Cleveland SEO agency, at the moment, this process is considered crucial and without it many interactive agencies do not take action. During the audit, the whole website is analyzed, including the way it works, the speed of loading images or written content and its compatibility with the website content.

At the stage of on-site actions, possible changes are introduced to the website, leading to an improvement in its position in Google search results. This process is laborious, time-consuming and fraught with many very dangerous errors, including dropping out of the listings or its complete removal from the Google search engine database. Positioners, copywriters and programmers together carry out the entire previously planned strategy, make changes to the source code, create new texts or saturate old, already available content with key phrases.

Should I focus on general or local positioning?

Do you have an extreme sports store that operates only in stationary locations? Cleveland SEO agency marketing team suggest deciding on local positioning, which in effect leads customers not to your website, but to a selected stationary point. This type of positioning is used by companies whose business is based on selling goods or services individually and “live”. In this case, key phrases should be connected with the region or province, city or district, for example:

  • extreme sports articles Seattle,
  • extreme sports store in the capital city,
  • extreme sports store Orlando SEO,
  • and so on.

This way, Google’s algorithm will show your website and business card in Google My Business only to people who are looking for a specific store only in their area or selected location. However, if your store primarily deals with online sales, bet on general SEO, covering the whole country, without regionalization. Also learn about the advantages of overseas SEO. In this way, you can significantly increase the number of potentially interested customers and expand your business beyond the borders of the country.

Every detail counts when positioning an extreme sports store

It is worth knowing that Google’s algorithm pays attention to every, even seemingly smallest detail, and some of them even have a major impact on the effectiveness of the entire positioning process. Therefore it is worth trusting only a reputable interactive agency that knows the principles of the Google search engine and its strengths and weaknesses. First of all, the time spent on the page by the Internet user is very important – thanks to this, the Google search engine can find out whether the chosen key phrase really described the content of the chosen website and subpage. Not without significance is also the look of the website and general impression of the Internet user, which results e.g. from the color scheme of the website, selected photos or ease of access to the content.

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  • Oliver White 26.07.2022

    I think that in the case of an online store, advertising campaigns are equally important as positioning. They allow you to reach customers in a short time and provide immediate results. However, to be effective, they must be preceded by an audit just like positioning. Google Ads audit thanks to a detailed analysis of keywords, ad types, CTA and so on will make your sales results increase quickly. I think this is the key to e-commerce success.