Climbing accessories – which ones to choose?

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Climbing accessories – which ones to choose?

Climbing is a physical activity which is gaining more and more followers every year. Do you want to start your adventure with this sport? Check which accessories will make your regular training easier!

First steps on the climbing wall

There’s no need to lie – climbing (both rock climbing, on artificial walls and on unprotected routes in high mountains) is a relatively expensive hobby. Before you start investing in basic gear, make sure climbing is the path you want to take. How to do it In a larger city, you won’t have the slightest problem with this. All you need to do is go to an artificial climbing wall – more and more places are being built where you can climb. You don’t have to worry about equipment. All necessary equipment can be rented on the spot.

But what about people who have at least several dozen kilometers to the nearest climbing center? In this case the situation gets a bit more complicated, but there is a way out! In spring and summer season there are organised training trips for a few days (an interesting proposal are e.g. camps in Jura Krakowsko-Czestochowska) – also there you can count on renting the equipment. Only when you’re absolutely sure that you want to develop your climbing skills, start investing in the necessary equipment.

What climbing equipment should I choose at the beginning?

Already know that you want to climb? That’s great! It’s time to start picking out your climbing gear. Your first purchase should be professional and, above all, comfortable climbing shoes. The variety of offers provided to customers by manufacturers can make even an experienced climber dizzy. Choosing the right climbing shoes is not a simple matter. Don’t be guided by the price – choosing the cheapest option can quickly disappoint you as to the quality of the chosen model. Focus on the fact that the shoes should perfectly fit your foot. They should gently wrap it, so that no slack remains. The problem with choosing the right size is especially big for runners, who, having learned from their experience with running trainings (especially the longer ones in the countryside), make sure that there is always some slack in their shoes. This rule does not apply to climbing. In this case the shoes should fit perfectly.

Another consideration is the harness. In this case, too, you have quite a few suggestions to choose from. Decide on such a harness, which in your opinion will be the most comfortable. Don’t forget about its functionality. Apart from boots and harness, you will also need belaying equipment – ropes, expresses. You can easily observe a certain regularity – the longer you climb, the more equipment you need – it’s a bottomless pit, but you can be sure that every zloty spent on climbing gear will bring you a lot of joy.

Climbing gadgets – which ones to decide on?

When you’ve completed the basic climbing equipment and you still have some money left on your account, you can think about gadgets – they’re not necessary, but they make the planning and realization of the training much easier.

Professional climbers are very interested in sports watches, whose functionality is tailored to the needs of people who spend a lot of time in high mountains. Models for sportsmen are equipped among others with GPS locator or barometer that allows to determine the precise height above sea level. The data from the watches can be downloaded to a computer or a phone, which makes it possible to analyse your training in even more detail.

When choosing a watch, match it to your activity. Watches that work well for runners don’t necessarily win the hearts of climbers, especially those operating in high mountains. Pay special attention to the durability of the equipment and that the model you choose has the necessary functions to make planning your workout even easier and much more enjoyable. The watch should be additionally protected both against moisture and mechanical damage, which is not so difficult in the harsh mountain environment.

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Published by BALL Watch Poland Friday, September 4th, 2020

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