Windsurfing – a sport for everyone?

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Windsurfing – a sport for everyone?

Sea waves, pleasant breeze and physical activity in the fresh air – doesn’t this combination sound perfect? Windsurfing is a great way to kill boredom, but can everyone practice it?

Windsurfing – what is it?

Floating on the waves using a board with a special sail is more and more popular way of spending your vacation time. But not everybody knows that windsurfing has been an Olympic sport for almost 40 years. It joined this elite group in 1984. Windsurfing is most popular in the USA, but even on the Polish Baltic Sea you can meet many enthusiasts. It is best to start learning how to tame the waves with an experienced instructor on a clear day when the sea is relatively calm. The time for bigger challenges will come when the technique improves and sports skills increase.

What to remember about water sports?

All kinds of water activities require several things. First – the ability to swim perfectly is essential in this case. It’s not just about being able to stay afloat – you need to be able to swim to shore even in difficult conditions. Our life will depend on it, when the board sails away.

Another issue is physical condition. Surfing is definitely not a sport for people who spent all their free time lazing on the couch. Before you jump on the board, make sure to give your stagnant body a bit of a workout, and learning to balance on the waves will go much more smoothly.

There is one more thing that many people unfortunately still forget about. If you want to surf, you need to be in good health. There are many diseases that have significant contraindications to practice this sport. For your own safety then it is better to opt for a less demanding physical activity.

Windsurfing and health contraindications

Physical activity, especially the one practiced outdoors, can bring a lot of good. Movement is health – as the well known proverb says. However, sometimes it is so, that to be able to fully engage in practicing a particular sport, you need to have good health already at the start. Windsurfing is one of these sports, which unfortunately are not intended for everyone.

One of the diseases with which practicing windsurfing is not the best idea is epilepsy. An attack of epilepsy can come in the least expected moment, even with regular medication. It is better not to risk your safety and the safety of others. Trying to rescue a person having an epileptic seizure in water can end tragically for both the patient and the rescuer.

Pregnant women should also refrain from practicing this sport. The rough waves increase the likelihood of a fall. Any uncontrolled contact with the board or the surface of the sea is difficult to predict – it is better not to risk the safety of the baby that is developing under the heart, and leave the pleasure of water sports for a time after the childbirth.

Heart disease is another condition that is a significant contraindication to windsurfing. This sport requires excellent health and even better condition. The physical effort may be too much for a sick body. It is better not to risk and to watch the sportsmen from a safe distance on a sandy shore.

Obligatory medical consultation

Even if you feel healthy and everything seems to be fine with your body, a visit to the doctor for a check-up certainly wouldn’t hurt. Tell the specialist about any ailments you’ve been experiencing lately, and remember that every detail matters.

If your doctor tells you that windsurfing is not for you based on your medical history and tests, you better listen to him! There are so many opportunities for attractive outdoor activities that it is better not to risk your own health and the safety of others for a temporary adventure.

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